Staff Empowerment

Matt believes staff is an investment, not a line expense.  He also believes staff is most effective when they are empowered and equipped to do their jobs. Incentives raise performance and create more efficient and cost effective ways to operate.

  • Matt is leading the charge to benchmark employee engagement and measure the impacts of a gold standard culture.

Finances Matter!  Smarter spending is a win-win for tax payers and staff.

Expanded Tax Base + Business Ownership

The next 20 years will shape the next 200 for Carver County.  To ensure Carver County remains ‘home for a lifetime’ for current and future residents, there must be a diverse, vibrant tax base.  The County Commissioners must enlist and ensure streamlined processes that remove non value activity to foster growing, running and starting businesses.  

  • Matt is leading efforts to add 100+, $60K+ jobs per year for the next decade.
  • Matt is leading vision for a path to $5B+ in non residential tax base by 2050 (to get ahead of growth in communities that have been traditionally housing only, to ensure a robust tax mix)
  • We need to shed the title of ‘highest taxed county in the state’ by lowering tax rate as population and property values increase.
  • We need to welcome growth of existing businesses and new businesses by reducing layers and taxes

Finances Matter!  Smarter spending includes a growing tax base ensures a healthy community

Term Limits

Matt believes productive public service happens in the first 12 years in office.  Over time, career politicians tend to choose self-interest over service.  Unfortunately, the ‘system’ of politics favors long standing incumbents, making it easy for politicians to be re-elected. Effective officials have a clear path to other offices to serve if they so choose, as does the path of their expertise.  And, finally, there’s little, if any, incentive to engage and mentor the next generation of capable leaders.  

  • Matt believes in aligned incentives, and that preparing the next generation of leaders is part of the job.
  • Matt believes in helping identify and pour knowledge into the future generations of leaders.
  • Matt has led the charge for ‘Every Junior’ – and effort to invite or engage with every Junior in high school to ensure they consider local government as a potential career path and a robust talent pipeline.

People Matter!  People should come before political game and gains.  Self imposed term limits ensure the commission remains sharp, strong, and infused with new ideas and relevant representation without getting unduly comfortable for personal benefit

Taxes and Commissioner Pay

Matt believes there’s an opportunity for greater transparency and relevant apples to apples compares.  He’ll deliver otherwise confusing tax/levy data in undertsandable ways – including apples to apples ‘tax per $1K value’ (vs peer counties), tax rate, net tax impact taking into account growth, etc.

  • Matt proposes increasing county revenue through determined recruitment of new business and uncompromising support for existing business – reducing the pressure on homeowners.
  • We should focus on a tax rate that stays the same or goes down.  Since we’re one of the fastest growing counties in the state, if we focus on conditions that drive property values higher, more taxable dwellings, and intentional effort toward business tax diversification, we’ll be generating more tax revenue without increasing tax rate – allowing for predictable taxes for all (including those on fixed incomes)
  • Matt has voted against commissioner pay increases (in most cases that supersede staff raises)

Finances Matter!  You deserve smarter spending and to know your tax dollars are spent in areas of greatest service and impact.

Value of Healthy Environment

Stewardship of the earth is a major responsibility for all, individuals, business, and governments at all levels.  Investing and maintaining the community’s natural resources provides value to taxpayers and preserves our natural resources.

Matt believes the natural resources of parks, trails, and outdoor space provide a great, affordable, underutilized asset with a major return on investment. Families grow stronger as they participate in  low-cost activities and entertainment (libraries, community programming, etc.).  Children enjoy a safe and fun experience on the many playgrounds.  Simply relaxing on a park bench can rejuvenate a soul.

Access to  green spaces presents a healing environment for the 1 in 5 Americans who suffer from a mental health condition.  This is especially true for our youth that show rising rates of mental disease. Matt believes Carver County can and should lead in addressing major epidemics and unhealthy practices.

  • Matt activates relationships to create public/private  partnerships to attract resources for a productive community.
  • Intentional efforts in workforce development including a ‘Trades 360 program’ casts vision and places investment on paving the way in 20 years for a more robust working class environment.
  • Matt is leading the charge for greater amenities, ease of use/accessibility, and overall usage of our parks/trails – including identifying the top 25 trail connections leading to expected programming of nearly half in next 5 years.

    Community Matters!  You should be able to call Carver County home for a lifetime.

Career Politicians vs Public Servant

A purist definition of the politician’s job is to gather influence and use it to impact change.  Some politicians use their influence for good, others – not-so-much (sometimes, even for selfish, personal gain).   We must remain public servants – putting the needs of the community now and in the future at the forefront.  Matt values his roots as a regular guy. His record demonstrates a willingness to use his skills and influence to foster positive change – some in the public eye, and a good amount behind the scenes.

  • Matt believes influence comes by showing up, listening, following through, and speaking truth.

People Matter!  People should be first, before politicians political gain and games.


Diversity comes in many forms – Tax Base, Social, Socio-economic, Racial, Ideological, Gender, Age, and Physical Condition – just to list a few.  In nearly all cases, diversity results in a vibrant community.

  • Matt believes diversity challenges are best met through active listening and creating spaces for people of varying views to get together.
  • Matt has led the charge to appoint arguably the most diverse set of county appointed seats in it’s history.  He continues to support an annual diversity audit at the county level that has helped achieve a workforce most representative of our community
  • Matt believes our community missed out on better ideas, solutions and inputs when our staff 

    People Matter!  People should be first, before politicians political gain and games.


Political Affiliation

The Carver County Commissioner role is non-partisan.  Matt believes all voters, no matter their political affiliation, should be heard, and their interests represented.  Matt values unity, and believes his responsibility means sustaining unifying opportunities for folks from all backgrounds and perspectives.

  • Matt believes the best policy decisions come through extensive stakeholder participation including public process.

People Matter!  People should be first, before politicians political gain and games.

Commissioner Responsibility

Taxpayers are best served when elected leaders diligently attend to the needs, concerns, and problems of their constituents. Trusted relationships are key, so transparency and full disclosure is required. Especially when it comes to resources – time, money, priorities.  

  • Matt believes a good commissioner shows up. He will conscientiously attend Commission and Committee meetings to actively advocate for your interests.
  • Matt pledges to spend his time in Carver County, being present to learn what folks believe to be important and listen to their ideas. and be prudent with time spent in St. Paul (or where necessary). 

YOU MATTER is more than a campaign slogan – It’s Matt’s promise!


Simply put, Matt believes ‘you don’t know what you don’t know’. It takes building relationships and intentional connections with a wide array of perspectives to shape opinions and make sound decisions.  For example, to prepare for running for office, Matt sought varying perspectives from 1,000+ people  through one-on-one authentic conversations.

 Matt strives for authentic, respectful, deep relationships, not merely transactional interactions with people. High trust is a hallmark and room for disagreements is intentionally built in.

  • Matt unifies people with varying beliefs using values founded in underlying, mutual respect.
  • Matt believes that by being more intentional about building relationships of greater depth – specifically with District 112, City of Chaska, City of Victoria, peer counties, SW Transit, not for profits, places of worship, etc. – we can achieve savings from redundancy and use those realized savings in areas of need.

People Matter!  People should be first, before politicians political gain and games.  None of us is as good as ALL of us.


Matt’s faith is the center of his life. He is proud to boldly proclaim his Christianity.  Matt and his two daughters enjoy weekly church services, Bible study, small groups, and volunteer opportunities. Matt cherishes how faith serves as a connection point that he shares with many.  It also serves as a connection point that empowers and pursues meaningful dialog and exchange between different faiths and non-faith backgrounds.  Matt’s family’s mantras are:

Live Life to the Fullest | Get the Love Thing Right | God Sees All
“Love your neighbor.” – Matthew 22:40

Matt has respectful and productive relationships with non religious, atheist, etc. who do not share his religious beliefs.  He recognizes people have different experiences and beliefs.

Fiscal Responsibility

The Udermann family follows a few immutable rules regarding money. If you can work, you work. If you can’t afford it, don’t buy it.  Work for what you have.

 As a taxpayer, property owner and family man,  Matt knows the value of a dollar, and, more importantly, how to responsibly stretch a dollar.  Matt believes tax payers benefit when government follows these same rules.

  • Taxpayers of Carver County deserve a candidate that will fight for the hard working taxpayer. Matt is that person.

Finances Matter! You deserve smarter spending of your hard earned taxes.

Size of Government

Generally, Matt believes you are better at spending your money than the government is.  It follows that government should not overwhelm or supersede matters that can be effectively decided at the level. Closest to the individual.  Governments stay smaller within an environment in which businesses and entities compete for your business and, thus, drive innovation up, and prices down. The size of government is positively affected when local institutions like churches, not-for-profits, and philanthropy groups can, should, and frequently do serve community needs through efficiency and voluntary support.

  • Matt has been vigilant to avoid the scope-creep of county government that encroaches on individual rights and freedoms.
  • Matt believes as we grow as a county, growth of staff should not be linear.  Through this growth trajectory, we should evaluate our staffing levels against peer counties (ex: neighboring Scott County has 5 employees/1,000 population, Carver has 7/1,000 population).  Matt has delivered vision that this can be accomplished without layoffs, while providing fair health care benefits.

People Matter!  People should be first, before politicians political gain and games.
Finances Matter!  You deserve leadership and oversight that believes in smarter spending of your taxes.

Affordable Housing

Where does the first time school teacher making $45,000 per year live (if not with a roommate or mom and dad)?  The answer is often ‘not here’.  Matt believes everyone should have a place to call home.  Realtors inform potential home buyers to multiply their annual income by 3 to determine the price range they can afford.  Matt is focused on the $800 – $1400+/month housing stock to create movement and ‘step up’ housing in a prudent way with creative problem solving.  Matt also believes knowing where the ‘goal posts’ are to closing gaps is necessary.  Matt understands the local housing challenge and proposes a solutions based approach.  Matt believes the county can come alongside city and township decision makers to help cast a county wide vision/plan/effort.   The County must also work to attract good paying jobs that bring higher incomes and greater housing options.

  • Matt believes if you work here, you should be able to live here – and he believes ‘home for a lifetime’ should just be a catchy mission statement.
  • Matt will propose a safe filter process to connect 9,500+ rooms that are open now in Carver County with individuals and families in need.  A program like this connects growing need among 55+ that are lonely, disconnected and need social connection with first time teachers, service workers, etc.  The connection could be no cost or low cost – and fill a community need with minimal investment in short order.
  • Matt has advocated for nearly 200 units of incremental housing in the next 6 – 24 months in partnership with the CDA (believed to be historic)

People Matter!  People should be first, before politicians political gain and games.



Matt believes SW Transit delivers people more efficiently than a multi-billion dollar light rail.  The economic impact of light rail does not justify the expense (not for 10 year, 20, 50 or 100+ year outlook).  Matt is active in partnerships to accelerate highways 212 and 5 expansion, and engaging residents as active participants in the decision-making process.  Matt foresees transportation alternatives will become more prevalent than traditional options. Demand in the next 20 years for alternative solutions (self-driving vehicles, trails, hybrid autos, new forms of power, etc. ) will increase.  Matt believes that access to suitable, efficient, reliable transportation is the lifeblood of a work force. Transportation needs to be an intentional, central component of growth and planning.

  • Matt’s views are formed around intelligent spending and an eye for the future direction of transportation
  • Matt believes time should be spent on SW Transit partnerships and local congestion/growth, not on $2B light rail projects.
  • Matt has helped accelerated addressing congestion on Highway 5, 212, 10, 11 and 18/82nd Street – with plans unthinkable 5 years ago to funded projects moving forward.

People Matter!  People should be first, before politicians political gain and games.

What Matter’s to You?

Let Matt know what issues Matt to YOU at:

Economic Development

In the absence of a robust, dedicated, well-funded economic development team, Matt believes the County  (parks, schools, roads, libraries, overall health) must strive to attract a labor force that businesses will follow.  Matt’s plan calls for increased work force housing, expansion of parks and trails (and overall family health), and pursuing public/private partnerships to generate amenities and reduce tax burden via enterprise funds.  The County must intentionally focus to encourage existing businesses to choose Carver County as the location to expand their operations.

  • Matt is leading partnerships and plans to attract 100+, $60K+ jobs annually for the next 10 years
  • Matt has been pro business and pro developer in attracting consideration for multiple high impact ($100M+) projects unthinkable just 4 years ago
  • Matt will continue to advocate for showcase ‘Destination Carver’ to showcase our county, and grow in our strengths – including tourism.  These efforts will help attract top talent, job creators that fit, and accelerate existing business growth.  On a like for like compare, homeowners pay about $1 for each $3.5 a business pays in tax – this diversification lightens the tax burden on homeowners, and paves a way for stronger schools.

Community Matters!  Carver County should be a place you can call home for a lifetime.

Highway 5 Congestion

This is a topic Matt is extensively involved with and passionate about – it’s simply too important not to be. Matt is working with key decision makers and influencers on solutions to build and fund this roadway.

  • Matt is helping accelerate plans, funding and associated considerations (trail connections, economic development, etc.)
  • From four years ago – we now have a robust plan, land acquisition and construction details underway, and a project nearly funded.

     People Matter!  People should be first, before politicians political gain and games – and people say material progress on highway 5 congestion is long overdue. 


Earth is our God given home, and we should protect it with prudence.  Solutions are typically in direct proportion to benefit and aligned incentives, so we must seek win-win solutions to attract businesses. Addressing open issues that gain economic benefit provides a path that is sustainable and practical.

  • Mindful stewardship over that which we can influence and/or control is good business.

Community Matters!  Carver County should be a place you can call home for a lifetime.

Honoring our Elders

Matt believes the sign of a great community is how it treats its most vulnerable populations – particularly the elderly.  Matt’s family appreciates the impact of honoring the elderly as it volunteers at Auburn Manor every other week.  Matt believes a vibrant community connects younger generations with older generations and invests in end-of-life mental health care and affordable housing and care options.

  • Matt will pay attention to the impact of taxes on low income and elderly residents.

Community Matters!  Carver County should be a place you can call home for a lifetime.

Commitment Veterans

Matt is invested in Veterans’ Issues – and believes they deserve even better response and treatment.  Multiple family members and friends are veterans.  Matt honors the sacrifices, supports the troops, and believes dollars and available services should be unhesitant in providing to veterans in need. 

  • Matt will serve as an advocate for Carver County Veterans.

People Matter!  People should be first, before politicians political gain and games


We accept donations within state guidelines, including:

  • Maximum $600 per person
  • Contributions $100+ are listed by donor

We make no promises expressed or implied with relation to donations and donors.  We welcome your contributions.

As a matter of process, we research contributions of $500+ and return dollars from folks we deem to not align with our core values.

Values Base Leadership

Matt believes a strong community is rooted in strong, unwavering values.  Matt drove the inclusion of these values as the foundation for county decision making as part of the 20/21 strategic plan.  The City of Chaska established a list of values nearly 30 years ago.  Matt believes decisions should be led by these time tested values, including:


  • Honesty (talking straight to people, not talking out of both sides of your mouth)
  • Authenticity
  • Citizenship*
  • Environmentalism*
  • Generosity*
  • Human Worth and Dignity*
  • Integrity*
  • Learning*
  • Respect*
  • Responsibility*

People Matter!  People should be first, before politicians political gain and games